We all know that online PDF editor on the internet is free and faster. They can convert or edit your PDF files fast and without any technical skills too. While some users will look for an expensive high-quality professional PDF editor to perform faster work and better performances.
What if there is a professional PDF software in which the price is less than 10USD a year? What if your PDF Files are important and confidential? Is it really that Deli PDF Converter is more worthy over other online PDF editors?
Continue with the article below and you can find out more why users choose Deli PDF Converter over Online PDF Editor.
Deli PDF Converter provides multiples of ways for users to create an account for FREE. You can log in to the software by using Facebook, Twitter, Google+, or your Email address. By logging in to your account, you can enjoy the privilege of the software for an unlimited expiry date. If you tend to forget your login details, don’t worry you can retrieve your account or license back easily with our backstage support team.
The software supports multiple types of formats for conversion. You can convert your PDF to DOC, DOCX, RTF, WPS, Image, TXT, HTML, FLASH, and CBZ. Besides, you also can do it vice versa by converting Microsoft Office files or images to PDF format. Batch converting is also available in the software. It allows you to save more time and be more efficient with your files conversion.
As the software keeps on improving and evolving, more and more formats will be supported in the software as Deli PDF Converter is always updating and upgrading to be better and better.
Image by free stock photos from www.picjumbo.com from Pixabay
Most PDF Converter software doesn’t have PDF tools because of limited performance or technical features. While some PDF editor software doesn’t support format converting. With a perfect mixture, Deli PDF Converter provides most of the basic PDF tools such as encrypting/ decrypting PDF files, splitting PDF, merging PDF and compressing PDF.
Therefore, PDF Converter is more compatible and welcomed by users because of the mixture of supporting format converting and PDF tools.
Whenever Deli PDF users encounter any problems or issues when using the software, they can always contact our 24-hours customer support for help. We have a very professional and high-technical team to solve any difficulties or problems regarding your PDF files or software issues. We have a remote assistance system that can connect directly to you, to help you solve your problem faster and efficient!
Image by Goumbik from Pixabay
If you are a company with hundreds of workers, Deli PDF Converter provides you with a very affordable package, we have a free package up to 5 pages each conversion or editing, an annual package which costs 9USD with unlimited file size and pages during conversion, and a lifetime package with only 29USD with unlimited file sizes and pages too.
The price of the software is very reasonable and affordable for all users to buy and use. With all the PDF tools and features provided in the software, it is a very worthy and reasonable price for users and business companies!
The reasons why users choose Deli PDF over other online PDF editor or software. Moreover, Deli PDF Converter is one of the best PDF converter software you can find on the internet. We hope you can choose the best technical team and software to help you with your paperwork or files in the future with ease and security than ever before!
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